Saturday, July 21, 2012

Forgiveness and Christ's Love

Well it's been awhile since I have made the time to really blog.  Life can change so fast whether it be for the good or the bad.  I am just thankful that they year has gone and we have gone on with our life for the better.  We continue to grow despite what life throws at us.  I just know that I am so grateful for family and friends that has been there.  I am especially grateful for Heavenly Father and him listen to countless hours of prayers.  I am grateful for the many prayers that have been offered for my family.  Not only through this year but through the past year.  I am grateful for the atoning sacrifice of our  Brother Jesus Christ.  I am grateful for him making the ultimate sarcifice to die for each and everyone of us so that we can live with Our Heavenly Father and Mother again.  I am grateful for eternal marriage and the priesthood.  We would not have gotten through any of our trials with out the priesthood blessings and prayers.  I found these quotes and thought I would share. President Uchtdorf is amazing along with President Monson and President Erying.  Once again I am so grateful for the wonderful gospel in my life. 

Wherever you are, whatever the circumstances may be, you are not forgotten. No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you, in fact, He loves you, with an infinite love."
                                - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

And another excellent one:

"Trials give us opportunities to show the Lord and ourselves that we will be faithful. We can choose to feel sorry for ourselves and ask, "Why me?" or we can grow from our trials, increase our faith in the Lord, and ask, "How can I be faithful in the midst of this trial?" We can let adversity break us down and make us bitter, or we can let it refine us and make us stronger. We can allow adversity to lead us to drift away from the things that matter most, or we can use it as a stepping-stone to grow closer to things of eternal worth."
- Larry Richman