Sunday, August 8, 2010

24th of July

Logan eating cheeto's
Mom and Melissa

Yep so this is way late on posting but life has been busy.  We had the opportunity to go to Dave and Shatzi's home in Rigby.  It was fun with them, my folks, and Dave's folks.  Pictures say a thousand words. Thanks for the wonderful party.
Dave, Lynn and Shirley

Logan looking around and hanging out
Jumping on tramp

Shatzi and Melissa getting the rest ready for dinner

Tom, Mom, Dad and Joe hanging out.

Bria waiving her princess wand
Max having fun waiving his sparkler big

Tom playing with the big sparkler

Tom and I having a little sparkler fight

Finish up the last of the sparklers and fireworks. YEE-HAW

YEE-HAW hope to have a wonderful year next year too.
Starting the fireworks

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you guys came! I don't know why I didn't think to take pictures. It was a fun night.