Saturday, July 21, 2012

Forgiveness and Christ's Love

Well it's been awhile since I have made the time to really blog.  Life can change so fast whether it be for the good or the bad.  I am just thankful that they year has gone and we have gone on with our life for the better.  We continue to grow despite what life throws at us.  I just know that I am so grateful for family and friends that has been there.  I am especially grateful for Heavenly Father and him listen to countless hours of prayers.  I am grateful for the many prayers that have been offered for my family.  Not only through this year but through the past year.  I am grateful for the atoning sacrifice of our  Brother Jesus Christ.  I am grateful for him making the ultimate sarcifice to die for each and everyone of us so that we can live with Our Heavenly Father and Mother again.  I am grateful for eternal marriage and the priesthood.  We would not have gotten through any of our trials with out the priesthood blessings and prayers.  I found these quotes and thought I would share. President Uchtdorf is amazing along with President Monson and President Erying.  Once again I am so grateful for the wonderful gospel in my life. 

Wherever you are, whatever the circumstances may be, you are not forgotten. No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you, in fact, He loves you, with an infinite love."
                                - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

And another excellent one:

"Trials give us opportunities to show the Lord and ourselves that we will be faithful. We can choose to feel sorry for ourselves and ask, "Why me?" or we can grow from our trials, increase our faith in the Lord, and ask, "How can I be faithful in the midst of this trial?" We can let adversity break us down and make us bitter, or we can let it refine us and make us stronger. We can allow adversity to lead us to drift away from the things that matter most, or we can use it as a stepping-stone to grow closer to things of eternal worth."
- Larry Richman

Monday, June 11, 2012

Families are Forever and my Angel

This past week has been a hard but peaceful week.  I had to say goodbye for a short time to my angel of a grandmother.  On June 1, 2012 my beloved grandma Treva Hill Dewey went home to our heavenly parents and the family that has passed on.  Wednesday June 6, 2012 I went to my Grandma Treva Hill Dewey Funeral.  There are so many times that I think she should still be here and that I will see her when I go to their house or even at church or even in town.  UMMMM tears rolling down the cheeks knowing that she is in a better place and is able to laugh, smile and be with her parents which she hasn't seen her dad for over 70 years and her mom over 15 years.  what a joyous reunion that was.  I know that she is playing with those family members that have since gone on from this earth playing running, laughing, watching over us that are here on this earth.  I am so grateful for forever families.  I know that her family here on this earth misses her dearly and yes it has only been less then a week.  I know that she is our angel that is watching over us this very minute.  There are angels among us.  She is my angel and has always been,  I am very grateful for Eternal life and the love that we have our families. Families are Forever that is how I am getting through each day knowing that I will be able to see her again.  my Grandma will always be in my heart.  Thank you grandma for everything that you have done for me in my life and every moment you were there for me.  Your amazing wonderful, sweet angel.   

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


So there is not much to update really in our lives.  We are working and trying to live life to the fullest.  Tom found a job as a place called Basin Burgers,  He is also going to school online through the Steven Heinger College, He is doing good and enjoy that. Memorial Day just passed but doesnt seem like it though,  Here in the Valley where we live most years there is still snow on the ground but this year we actually had a spring and now going into summer, hopefully.  The mountains have snow but the valley floors don't have any snow, YEAH.  Enough about that, I am so grateful for the Atonement in my life and how that when love ones die we will be able to see them again.  I am proud to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Baptism/Birthday Gifts

So I teach the CTR 7 class which is the year that turns 8 years old. I was trying to decided what to give my kids for their special birthday and here is what I have came up with.  So far there has only been 2 birthdays but here is the finished project so far.
This one was for Bayley

This one was for Chase

The gift of the Holy Ghost

 So my lesson today is on the Gift of the Holy Ghost.  It asked these questions on flowers so instead of individual flowers for each of the kids, I decided to be creative and make these pin wheel flowers.  It was way fun and excited to give them to my CTR 7 class


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Primary Lesson way cool

I am in love of this website for helping for primary lessons.  Also using is awesome too.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

GO Gaints, yep a great superbowl game. More to update. New year, my brother has been out for a year, wow were did that year go to. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wow Christmas and the New Year is over, let the new Year begin!!!!!  I have many things to be grateful for.  I have a wonderful Husband that keeps me going.  We support each other despite trials that go on in our lives.  Our love grows stronger and stronger each day.  I will never take for granted the love and support from my husband and others.  I am grateful for the Atonement of the Savior and the sacrifice that He gave to us so that we are able to go back and live with Him and our Father in Heaven one day.  I am grateful to start the new year off with great family and friends.  I hate that I have lost one of my best friends but you know life goes on and when one door shuts another door opens or even a window.  I am grateful for an amazing LDS ward.  I have learned how important the Priesthood Power of the Gospel is.  I am very grateful for amazing Home teachers and visiting teachers and there willingness to be there when times are tough spiritually.  I am grateful for the power of prayer.  I know that Heavenly Father hears and answers are prayers.  We all need to exercise that Faith like Alma talked about in Alma 32 in the Book Mormon, in our lives.  I am way excited to be able to teach the CTR 7 class in Primary this year.  To learn and teach that age that is turning 8 and watch how they progress in the Gospel.
Thank you to all my family and friends that have been there for Tom and I this past year.  Thank you for your example of the Savior's love.
May it be an awesome 2012 year.