I don't know what to title this blog because it is just going to be what I am feeling lately. I needed somewhere to express my thoughts and emotions so here I go. I am sorry that is any one is reading this that it gets boring but my heart is full to night. There has been many things in my life lately and sometimes life just hands you a plateful and don't know what to make of it but with the help of prayers and faith things will be alright.
First I want to express my love for my husband and for everything that he has done for me. He stands by my side and lifts me up when I am down. He loves me unconditionally no matter what is going on in our lives. He is my love and I will be eternally grateful for him. I know that we will be together forever and that we will be able to get through challenges or what ever might happen together with our love for each other.
Second I want to express my graditude toward my Heavenly Father Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. I know that The Savior is the son of god and that he pained for our sins through the atonement. HE loves each and everyone of us. We just had the opporunity to listen to the Prophet and his counselors and the general authority this past two days. They rejuivate my soul with the powerful messages that we said these days. Most of the I thought that was done on Saturday morning was about love, not only for the love of our Savior but the love of our family and those about. I know that without family love our hearts would not be filled and that they would be cold. I am grateful for my family and the values that my parents have taught us especially the gospel. I am grateful for the Holy Ghost and how it helps to make big decisions in our lives and to keep us safe from harm. I am grateful for the warm spirit it brings to my heart.
Third We have been house looking once again sense are lease it up at the end of the month. I freaked out and didnt know what to do but soon knew that we needed to go on our knees and pray to our Heavenly Father to ask what direction our lives needed to go. I only speak for myself on what I prayed. One was that if we needed to stay in the Valley with the jobs that we have and that was a warm feeling and if we needed to stay in this house that we were currently in and I received a stupor of thought and confused. I love this house and the time that we have been here was will be a year. So off to the knees again to see where we needed to go. It ment house hunting or apartment hunting again. The apartment hunting was not an option. We will be renting for awhile til our house sells in St. Anthony. We we found a house to rent for less then we are at now so that will help. I will post pictures later on what it looks like. So prayers have been answered on finding a place to live and have it secured to be able to move in at the end of the month.
Fourth, this past week my grandma Dewey went into the hospital because she was dizzy due to high blood pressure and when the doctors did a ct scan they found dry blood on the stem in the back of her head where the water that is in your brain drains back into your body but with the dry blood it was not draining fast enough so it was making her dizzy and everything else go up. Since this I have been thinking about how much I love her and don't want her to go just yet. Well I went to go visit her the day that she was admitted and it was so hard for me to see her lying in the hospital bed I did good while I was in the room. As I was there I could see the fear in my grandpa's and grandma's eyes but I could see the love in my grandpa's eyes for my grandma too. So I held my calm as I was in the room and then when I got out to the truck I just lost it. I cried so hard that my contacts were blurry and my head hurt. It put a realization into me of how much I love my grandparents and that I should spent more time with my grandparents and cherish the time that I have with them. Not only my grandparents but my whole family because you don't know in life when things might happen.
Fifth: Prayers are heard and answered in many differnt ways and through many differnt people. Thank you for everyone and theirs prayers. I want to let y'all know how much I love and appriecate y'all in so many different ways wither it be in small or big ways.