Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve
What a wonderful time of the year as we celebrate the birth of Christ and all that he has done for us. As Christ was born only born in a manager and in a stable with animals al'round. With no room in the inn. How much humble was he that as Christ was born to Mary and Joseph. Christ is the center of our live and with all the hustle and bustle that we have this time of year do we even take the time to think about Him and how much he has been part of our lives, through good and bad times. As the Christmas season comes around, as you hustle and bustle to the stores or sit around watching movies with since a tender message remember Christ and how humble, kind, loving He was. Love the season and not the hustle and bustle of the presents but the love and spirit of Christ. Also ask yourself what gift will you bring to this season?

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Our House At Christmas Time
It is Christmas Time and that means the year is almost over. Well I thought since the last time that I said that I would post pictures so hear are some pictures of our house at Christmas.

This next picture is a nativity set that is from fisher price which I thought was really neat so then I am not worry about having little fingers tough and break the good nativity sets that I have. Have A Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday.
This next picture is a nativity set that is from fisher price which I thought was really neat so then I am not worry about having little fingers tough and break the good nativity sets that I have. Have A Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Almost a Blizzard
Today was so crazy, we woke up to a blizzard with wind blowing and snow coming down. At least it was a down grade of what the weather man was saying that it was going to be, but the wind was mostly blowing so it left fields with hardly any snow in them. I was able to spend some time with Kelsey(my other sister) these past day and half while her parents were in spending the last few days in Hawaii. Likely they were able to come home while the storm was on the down low. Glad that they were able to get home, The pictures were awesome and would want to go there someday to visit but not to live. Just waiting for Bart to develop some pictures that they took snokeling.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
19 days until christmas
WOW where has this year gone? Isn't Life Just Wonderful. For anyone that is from the south carolina mission and that served around me you know what that saying means.
It is the holidays and I am some what ready for them but on the other hand I am more ready for them spiritually. I love the holidays to celebrate the birth of christ which is the true meaning of Christmas. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ lives and loves everyone of us. We are all Children of our Heavenly Father. I know that President Thomas S Monson is the prophet of the church today. That the Book of Mormon is the word of God so is the Bible. I know that Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers. I know that He blesses your life as you stay true to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Have a wonderful Christmas. We love y'all.
It is the holidays and I am some what ready for them but on the other hand I am more ready for them spiritually. I love the holidays to celebrate the birth of christ which is the true meaning of Christmas. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ lives and loves everyone of us. We are all Children of our Heavenly Father. I know that President Thomas S Monson is the prophet of the church today. That the Book of Mormon is the word of God so is the Bible. I know that Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers. I know that He blesses your life as you stay true to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Have a wonderful Christmas. We love y'all.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Our House
Below are some pictures of our house in Victor. We hope that you like it and will be getting some Christmas pictures of our house soon. Have a good holiday.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Loving Life
Well to update you on the mishap of the dishwasher. It is because the dishwasher is connected to the garbage disposal and so if we don't run the garbage disposal after we put food down it then there is not enough room for the water to drain from the dishwasher, Well thanks to my Uncle who is amazing came over and helped us figure it out. What would you do with out family, I would say Ugg and have to call someone else or figure it out our self. Here is some pictures in the post above of our house. We have been in our house a week and loving it no more driving 45 mins from work. WE both are trying to experience a new ward and thats been an adjustment too from our old ward that was the most awesome ward in the world. We will miss the twin groves ward in St.Anthony,Idaho but we have moved on we will still go back to visit the twin groves ward from time to time.I(tom) Have found out one thing driggs is a lot colder than St.Anthony is so thats the only down side to me.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Wow we are in are new house in Victor, Idaho. We love it but just today we had a mishap......our dishwater started spilling out water from the bottom but we quickly mopped up the water with towels shut off the water too it and then called for help because neither Tom or I can't figure it out. Well any who what fun on a Sunday afternoon. Any who we are enjoying the move and loving every bit of it. Then our deep freezer is on the fritz so hopefully it we can get that working. Any who just yesterday we gave LDS Adoption Agency another try. We had them come up to do a home visit and we will know if we are accepted for the adoption process after Nov 11th. We will definitely keep you updated on the progress. Have a great day until next time.
Love Tom and Michelle
Love Tom and Michelle
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
October 11, 2008
Hello there, I know it's been a long time and things have been happening. Tom and I both work up in Driggs now. He works at Broulims as a cashier and I work at the Bank of Commerce as a Teller. We have been traveling back and forth from Saint Anthony most days, but other days we are staying at my aunt & uncle's house, which has helped so much on the traveling time and cost of gas. I am so grateful for family and the love we have for each other. We are looking at selling our house in Saint Anthony so if any one knows anyone that wants to buy a house please contact us. It is a 2 bed room 1 bath house downtown Saint Anthony. Close to schools, library, and churches. Well we have found a house in Victor Idaho a 3 bedroom 2 bath and looking forward to moving into it soon. Well an update on our adoption progress is that in our old house we were declined because we had to fix our porch so we will be LDS Adoption and having them come up to our new home and hope and pray that it will pass. We really want to start a family and would love having kids our are own. Any who enough about that when Heavenly Fathers thinks that we are ready it will happen. Put your trust in the Lord and he will bless you. Well better go but have a great day and hopefully I can update more often. We appreciate all that our family has done and we love everyone and ask that you continue to keep us in your prayers.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Good Morning/Good Afternoon
Well today is a grand day. The month of July is almost over, soon fall will be here and school will be starting. Where oh where has the year gone. Tom has enjoyed his new job at Broulims and loving the challenges that come each day. I am currently looking for a job up in Driggs and have a few prospects. We are also looking for a house up in the Valley. Just to leave you with a thought by President Monson
Sometimes you have to rearrange your life to follow the spirit. Don't Wait.
President Thomas S Monson.
Well today is a grand day. The month of July is almost over, soon fall will be here and school will be starting. Where oh where has the year gone. Tom has enjoyed his new job at Broulims and loving the challenges that come each day. I am currently looking for a job up in Driggs and have a few prospects. We are also looking for a house up in the Valley. Just to leave you with a thought by President Monson
Sometimes you have to rearrange your life to follow the spirit. Don't Wait.
President Thomas S Monson.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Our first Blog
There will be a picture soon. We are happy that y'all could come visit our page. Tom is starting a new job up in Driggs, ID at Broulims. I am currently working at Artco in Rexburg, ID. We are currently living in Saint Anthony, ID. We are also currently in the process of adopting. We are in the waiting game now so we go day by day.
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